Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Have a First Look

Every bride dreams about seeing the look in her man’s eyes as he sees her for the first time on their wedding day. That’s why one of the first questions we ask our clients is “Do you want a first look?” Our responses are split 50/50 between yes and no. We always respect our client’s wishes, but if they are unsure, we usually try to sway their decision to the the former. We are firm believers that a first look has many pros and is the best choice to ensure a seamless flow on the big day. Our top reasons are listed below, so hopefully we convince you!


  1. You have WAY more time for pictures. You can take as much time before the ceremony to take pictures if you see each other before the ceremony. If you don’t, you only have an hour for pictures together, and this includes any family photos you may want. You also have the ability to go to different locations!
  2. The privacy allows you to really enjoy the intimate moment. When you’re walking down the aisle, you can’t exactly kiss and hug each other right away, or spin for him to see the entirety of your dress.
  3. Both of your faces will be caught on camera the second you see each other. During the ceremony, it is extremely difficult for the photographers to catch both of your faces at the same moment that you see each other. With a first look, you always get that initial reaction on camera.ssp_schlesingerwedding_071_previewssp_schlesingerwedding_072_previewssp_schlesingerwedding_074_preview
  4. You have more time for cocktail hour, and who doesn’t love that? Our bride and groom’s that don’t do a first look rarely get to attend their cocktail hour. We always make sure to have a plate waiting for them at their seats, but there is time lost to mingle with their guests and sip champagne.
  5. Bad weather won’t cause as much of an issue. In the event of rain (or even snow), our first instinct is to wait 15-30 minutes to see if it blows over before moving the ceremony to an indoor location. Some of our brides even want us to wait an hour. This is an excellent solution if you have done a first look. We’ve even had a bride join her guests for cocktails while waiting for the weather to blow over! However, if you haven’t done a first look, this can extremely limit your time for photos depending on how long the sun is up.0165_LizGrant_W1002_preview 0167_LizGrant_W1002_preview


Photos by (from top to bottom):

Ashley Sawtelle

Steve Stanton

Frances Photography