Hosting a Get-Together for Your Bridal Party

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Bridal shower, engagement dinner, and whatnots, any excuse to have a gathering is always a welcome distraction in the middle of any wedding planning. Who doesn’t want to just be dining and drinking wine while being surrounded by a few close individuals? One celebration you can do that may actually be useful is a get-together for your bridal party. If you are confused about how this should go down, here is a simple yet helpful guide to give you a general idea.


The name itself gives it away. Your little celebration shall be limited to the women taking part of your bridal entourage, most especially the maid of honor and bridesmaids. If you want, you may include the flower girls, their mothers, your mom, your mom-to-be, your sisters, and the groom’s sisters. The most important women in your big day, in other words.


Ideally the intimate gathering should be done a few days leading to the wedding. A good time is when all the bridesmaids are already in town and when majority of the wedding planning has been laid out. Not having to think about wedding logistics will let you relax with your girls and will hype you all up for the bigger celebration.


The event should mainly focus on giving gratitude to your bridesmaids and the rest of the bridal party. The past days may not have been a walk in the park and the day itself may require more of their help and support. Grab this opportunity to distribute any gifts you have for them, especially if they are to be used on the wedding day. Those personalized bridesmaids’ robes or identical bracelets will definitely show your appreciation! You can also discuss any last minute requests you may have for them, like making sure Aunt Julia is swerved away from the open bar. Make sure it’s not something the wedding planner is paid to do. At the same time, having your squad in the same event will allow them to get to know each other more as they may not come from the same circle. Bonding will help them become more comfortable around each other. After all, they will be posing in a lot of photos together very soon.


A new trend added to the list of wedding celebrations these days is the bridal or bridesmaids luncheon. You can host one as a get-together for your bridal party. However, there are other ways you can gather your ladies. If you have the time and budget, a weekend getaway at the beach will certainly be a hit. Brunch or high tea are also lovely options you could try. For a better reason to spend time together longer, throw a sleepover or invite them for a night of dinner and dancing. Also, why not treat yourselves to some painkiller cocktails to add a touch of extra fun. If you want some pampering and ultimate girl bonding, you can all book a day at the spa, get a massage, and have a manicure and pedicure, which everyone will most likely get anyway for the wedding.