5 Emotions Every Bride and Groom Feel on Their Wedding Day

As an engaged couple, we have been on a roller coaster of emotions these past few months and our wedding day is no exception. In fact, our wedding day is similar to those moments right before we crest a tall peak, when the cart stalls, and suddenly you feel a rush of emotions before taking the final plunge. It’s important for brides and grooms to emotionally prepare for their walk down the aisle because even the calmest people experience a host of emotions that can catch them off guard. To help avoid any wedding day surprises, we have compiled a guide of 5 emotions every bride and groom feel on their wedding day and practical tips to help keep it together while walking down the aisle.

5 Emotions Every Bride and Groom Feel on Their Wedding Day

5 Emotions Every Bride and Groom Feel on Their Wedding Day

Doubt or Pre-Wedding Jitters.

Many couples find themselves second-guessing every decision from flower arrangements, menus, or just asking themselves if they are ready to be married. This is completely normal, so take a deep breath and realize you are experiencing a manifestation of pre-wedding jitters and stress. Often, experiencing feelings of doubt isn’t a rebellion against your partner, decorations, or the festivities, but is a natural process.


It’s no secret weddings can be high-stress situations and are notorious for causing anxiety or worry to surface. After all, there is a lot of pressure for everything to be just right. Each couple faces stress, whether it is family drama or finances.


Even at a time to celebrate love, you might experience anger. These feelings catch many couples off guard. Far too often, whether they are family or friendships, relationships strain under the pressure of a wedding. It’s not uncommon to see disagreements, arguments, hurt feelings, resentment, and broken promises erupt on the days leading up to the wedding or even right before you walk down the aisle.


In addition to feeling some strong emotions, your wedding day may feel surreal and leave you feeling like you are in a different reality. Suddenly, we are surrounded by friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances as we are decked out in a beautiful wedding gown or tuxedo. We will be the center of attention, often being pulled in a variety of directions to talk with all our guests and take photos while handling the details of the wedding. There is a good chance that we won’t get a chance to rest or even finish eating at your reception. Throughout the day, we will probably be amazed at all the support and love received from our friends and family.


Finally, one emotion you will experience is love. There are many types of love, ranging from parental affection to romance. Saying our vows makes us examine our relationships, old and new. Brides and grooms need to be prepared for strong surges of love throughout the day, especially at times like when the groom seats his parents, a father walks his daughter down the aisle when a groom first sees his bride, or during emotional toasts.


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How to Keep It Together While Walking Down the Aisle

Our wedding days will be emotional and it does make sense- we are making a life-changing decision in front of all the people we cherish the most. To help keep it together while walking down the aisle we have listed the following tips:

Think happy thoughts. It sounds cliche, but staying positive will ward off any tears, anger, or fear. Remember why you said “yes” and think ahead to the celebration waiting for you.

Relax. If you are overwhelmed or anxious, look for 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

Plan for some alone time. Every bride and groom needs a few minutes alone to help calm down and prepare for what’s to come so we can enjoy the moment.

Just breathe. Deep breathing can help calm our nerves so we can stay present at the moment.

Get enough sleep. We probably won’t be getting a lot of sleep right before our wedding, but getting adequate amounts of shut-eye can make a big difference in how we handle our emotions and feelings.

Don’t forget to eat. It is much easier to stay on top of our emotions if we aren’t starving. Take time to eat during the day, even if it is just a simple snack.

Remember the big picture. It’s inevitable that something will not go according to plan. Whether it is something small or big, just keep looking forward to the final outcome. Chances are, we can solve a problem easily or it won’t matter in the long run.

What surprising emotions did you experience on your wedding day?

Now it’s time to plan your special day with Table 6 Productions, a professional and experienced Colorado wedding planner. We design, plan, and execute unforgettable events based on your heart’s desires and incorporate a fun, fresh, and creative approach to ensure your event reflects your story.