Proposing on Valentine’s Day
Some may say that Valentine’s Day is one of the most romantic days of the year. Although dubbed a Hallmark holiday, people all over the world celebrate this holiday and use it as a day to emphasize their love for their partner. However, perhaps this Valentine’s Day will be special for a different reason.
If you are considering popping the question to your partner this Valentine’s Day, but aren’t sure how to do it, don’t fret! We have some simple tips for you to make sure you do it right and make your loved one feel special.

Find out the ring size
Don’t guess the ring size (if at all possible). When looking for the perfect ring for your love, it is important that you have their ring size on hand. This might be a challenge to get without arousing suspicion. One way to do this could be to take one of their existing rings and measure it to see what size it is. (make sure it is a ring that they would wear on their ring finger) If they don’t wear a ring on this finger often, you might have to get a bit clever with your plans. One way is to approach their best friend and ask them to help you figure out what size they wear. Have a date at Nordstrom’s, stroll by the costume jewelry department, and play around with some rings. It is always fun to pretend, so I guarantee you, they will take part in this charade. This is one of the best ways to find out without raising any flags. You could also see if they have built a Pinterest board of rings. Believe it or not, many unengaged people have a board full of rings for that someday moment. This could also help you figure out what style they are most attracted to. At the end of the day, if all else fails, and you can’t make any of this happen, take a guess, but go a little bigger. When you propose to them you, want the ring to at least slide across the entire finger. If it is too big, you can always get it sized.
Choose the right ring
Choosing engagement rings can be stressful, but we all know what an important decision it is. But don’t stress yourself out too much and try not to worry about the price. The design is what matters. And to find the right design, it may be best to talk to their friends and family. Every person is different, and what is perfect for one might be hideous to another. You know your partner though, so trust your instincts and don’t get hung up on this part of the process. If they don’t like it, you can change it later! Also, as mentioned above, you might get lucky and find a pre-built Pinterest board with rings on it. Side note: If you do propose on Valentine’s Day, this does NOT mean you need to buy a heart-shaped ring. Please spare us all and don’t do this.
Pick a special place
Most of us are stuck at home at the moment so that makes it difficult to choose a location for a proposal. But you could choose your living room, and make it just as intimate and special, or even your favorite local walking or hiking spot, or outdoor location. Sometimes people would prefer something a little more private than a public place with strangers walking around (unless of course, it’s in front of the Eiffel Tower). Regardless, choose somewhere that means something to both of you. It could be the place you first met, had your first kiss, your first date, or the home you bought together. Anything can be special if it means something to you both personally. Get creative here. Doesn’t have to be lavish, just meaningful.
Make a date of it
One way to make your proposal special is to plan some sort of date night around it. If you are allowed out, this could be a fabulous meal at your favorite restaurant followed by drinks at the bar; or if you are stuck at home, it could be dressing up for a romantic meal in your dining room cooked and served by a private chef. Or maybe it’s your favorite take-out spot. (think Chinese take out and slipping the ring into the fortune cookie) Many couples are opting for mini vacay’s in intimate spots where they propose, then they have the closest family and friends there to celebrate together afterward. You could even get a beautiful hotel room and propose a “staycation”. Arrive before they do. Spread rose petals around the space, and light the way from the front door to the bed with hundreds of candles. And make sure you’ve got some bubbly on ice for when they say YES! Also, you may want to consider hiring a photographer to capture the moment for you since it will all be a total blur.
If all else fails, and you aren’t the creative type, it’s ok. There are many “proposal” planners out there that can handle all the details for you! So leave it up to the pros if this all sounds overwhelming. (hint hint)
At the end of the day, it is about spending the rest of your lives together. So remember that.
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