How to Avoid Wedding Menu Disappointment

Wedding Hors d'oeuvres
Creative Wedding Food

Your special day should go off without a hitch and end with everyone as happy as can be. But there are things that can go wrong, not least the food, leading to wedding menu disappointment that all but ruins the day. So don’t make a mistake, and plan your menu as well as possible.

Hire Expert Wedding Caterers

First and foremost, hire people and services skilled at cooking and tending to large crowds. It helps if you use services that specialize in catering and have a solid reputation for weddings and other large events, such as the caterers at Saint Germain Catering. Wedding caterers can help you decide on the best food for your needs, such as how many people are coming, and will work with you to accommodate everyone. Importantly, they always have impeccable timing.

Avoid Wedding Menu Disappointment with Options

As mentioned above, a solid and reliable wedding caterer will work with you and provide options for your guests. Any service that doesn’t offer this or is willing to work with you should be avoided, as it simply shows disdain for clients. Having options, and there don’t need to be many, means everyone gets the food they like and will enjoy on the day, including the both of you. However, more importantly, a reliable caterer will help ensure there are no medical issues.

Pay Attention to Food Allergies and Intolerances

Medical issues such as allergic reactions to specific foods and ingredients are common. Around 1% of the population has nut allergies alone, and then there are intolerances to lactose and gluten. Lactose intolerance is rather unpleasant for a guest and those around them. And a gluten intolerance can be fatal if someone has celiac disease. Good quality caterers will be aware of these and will have alternatives that they can offer to accommodate all your guests.

Finding Perfect Food for Your Wedding

Reliable wedding specialists, including food and drink caterers, are few and far between. Sure, you can find them everywhere, but finding the perfect one can be tricky, so try these tips:

  • Always, always read the reviews on multiple websites and not only their own.
  • Ask the wedding venue manager if they have heard of them and about their reputation.
  • Reach out to friends and family who have recently been married for recommendations.
  • Use Google to find local services and check out the reviews from verified customers.
  • Consider having your wedding meal at a well-known restaurant with the food you love.

Finding the perfect food for your wedding is hard sometimes. But asking around and checking reviews is a great start. Alternatively, turn to a service you know and trust for your menu.

Decide on the Food Together

There are at least two of you when it comes to your wedding, which means unilateral decisions aren’t fair. Getting the food right is essential because one of you will be disappointed if it isn’t something you like. There could even be cultural differences that get in the way when deciding on food. And then you may also have to think of your children. This is why it helps to get your family involved, too, so you can all come to an agreement as a family on the food to be served.

Set a Theme to Avoid Wedding Menu Disappointment

Nothing makes a good wedding like a solid theme. A theme is a great guide when you are planning your wedding overall. But it is also excellent for planning the menu. For instance, a princess wedding theme calls for fancy French food. Yet a hearty outdoor wedding will benefit from a rustic Italian BBQ. This is also a great way to get guests excited about coming because they can look forward to the great food you will be serving as part of your nuptial festivities.

Budget for a Better-than-Average Meal

Food is memorable at an event. Guests will remember if it was amazing, but they also remember if it was horrible. If you are on a budget, you can avoid disappointment if you set aside money for the best food you can afford because it is something people look forward to and will remember. You will also be disheartened if you hire a service that isn’t up to standard, makes mistakes, and really doesn’t really care about your day.


You can avoid wedding menu disappointment by staying on top of how you approach the food. Hiring a reputable service is a great first start. But you must also read reviews and find the perfect one. Then, of course, it helps to choose the best service you can reasonably afford.

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