Leah & Seth’s Spruce Mountain Ranch Wedding


Leah’s and Seth’s wedding planning journey began with a proposal on the Denver Bronco’s stadium field (just the two of them). Seth works in PR for the team and was able to secure special approval to propose there. They also indulged their guests in a rehearsal dinner in the Broncos event space. (Perks!) The venue selection process was a journey, as we started to plan the wedding at the Denver Country Club, but after intense deliberation, changed locations to the beautiful Spruce Mountain Ranch. It fit their vision perfectly, as the mountain chic setting at the upper ranch created the perfect atmosphere for this “southern girl” (and offered subtle rustic touches). Leah comes from a New Orleans family, so incorporating their NOLA roots was important. We had a second line with custom hankies, lots of cake pull charms for the single ladies, and delicious beignets were served as a late night snack. The greenery filled floral mixed with blush, white, and gold touches transformed this rustic venue into their dream atmosphere! Their July 3rd date allowed them a festive celebration that they could continue into the next day with all of their friends and family. Enjoy the fabulous pictures by Rachel Havel of this Spruce Mountain Ranch wedding that will be featured in Rocky Mountain Bride in February! 

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