7 Tips to be Less Stressed Before the Wedding

The excitement after getting engaged always leads to the stress of wedding planning. Yes, planning in the beginning is so much fun. But after a while, something happens—or maybe doesn’t happen—that leaves you completely stressed out. Maybe your amicably divorced parents are bickering, your best friend can’t make the wedding or a vendor screwed up. Or maybe you just have a pimple…because even little details can somehow become a huge deal.

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Yes, stress during the planning is totally normal. It’s also normal not to stress out at all. However, you don’t want to let the stress overwhelm you to the point of not enjoying the excitement. Remember, you’re marrying your true love…and that’s the most important aspect about the wedding.

However, if the cake somehow turns out wrong along the way or if Aunt Ida insists on lecturing you on sending thank you notes promptly (listen to her, by the way!), make sure you have a way to cope with the ensuing stress in a healthy way.

Find a Confidant

Sometimes venting is a stress reliever. It helps to talk about it, right? Make sure you have a trusted listening ear. Your mom, best friend or even (especially!) your future spouse…whoever you feel most comfortable talking to can help ease the burden. If you feel like talking to a loved one is difficult, then talk to a professional. Therapy is good for the mental health. Find a provider in your health plan and talk away.

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Listen to Your Tunes

Sing along to Swifty or the Pixies, and crank up your favorite tunes! Whether you like pop, metal, grunge, punk, country or classical, sometimes music helps soothe the soul. You can’t be stressed out if you’re singing and dancing, right?!


There are many different forms of meditation, and some require years of practice. Anyone can meditate on their own, though. Find a quiet space and just…be. You might hold images in your mind, play quiet music, or focus on the inhale and exhale of your breaths. Just take a moment and quiet your mind. Also, studies have found that the sound of birds is very calming and extremely helpful when you are feeling stressed. 


Getting your exercise on helps you feel good…it releases endorphins and helps you clear your mind. Plus, exercise is great for your health. Grab a friend and go for a run. Or head to a gym solo and pick your favorite workout. If you’re self-conscious you can even do a workout at home. One of the easiest workouts, though? Jumping rope! Just make sure your heart is up for the cardio, because jumping rope will get your heart pumping!

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Veg Out

Yes, do absolutely nothing. Queue up the Netflix or turn on your favorite show. Maybe you want to stay in and watch a rom-com marathon or just binge watch the latest season of “The Crown” while eating pizza. Sometimes doing nothing but chilling out at home is one of the best stress relievers.

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Have a Spa Day

If your budget allows, go to the spa. Schedule favorite treatments like a massage and facial. Or just opt for a mani/pedi. Take time to treat yourself to a day of relaxation. On a budget, take the spa day into your own hands. Mix up some face masks at home and relax in a hot bath.

Get Your Zzzz’s

If you’ve had an extra stressful day, sleep deprivation will only make you feel worse. Don’t stay up too late; instead, make sure you’re clocking enough sleep to feel refreshed and rejuvenated to tackle more tomorrow. Lack of sleep may also lead to skin issues…on top of feeling zapped of energy!

Take time to de-stress when the insanity of wedding planning is pushing you over the edge. Tying up all those loose ends of the ceremony and reception is a job all its own, and sometimes things just go wrong…no matter how perfectly you plan. Just remember that your wedding day is all about love, and sometimes, you just have to let go of worrying about the little things…like the color of the napkins! And remember to take care of you…and each other! And remember, it is the marriage that makes the wedding. So be careful in considering how to cope with money, stress, and mental health.