How to Plan the Perfect Marriage Proposal

When you’re ready to pop the question to your significant other, you’ll know. What you might not know right away is how to do it. You’ll want to make it special and romantic, but you also want to make sure they say yes. If you are stuck for ideas, consider hiring a proposal planner. Here are some amazing ways to get your marriage proposal perfect. 

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A Special Location 

You’ve looked at more diamonds than you count and found the perfect one. Now what? If you want to make a real impact and show just how much you love future fiance’, take them to a place that means something to the both of you. It could be where you met, or where you shared your first kiss. It could be a dreamy destination you have both talked about experiencing together. Perhaps it is a favorite restaurant – the one you went to on your first date, or your one hundredth. Where did you first whisper, ‘I love you’? That’s a special location too. Pick the one that works best for you and take them there. When they least expect it, get down on one knee, pull out the ring, and ask the question. 


If you want to be able to capture the moment exactly as it happens, hiring a professional photographer to be present will do just that. They can ‘hide’ near the spot where you are planning to propose and get the perfect reaction shots of the entire process. It’s far better to hire a professional to take these shots than risk asking a friend to do it and finding that their battery died, or they missed the most important moment, or the lighting wasn’t right. If you’re really thinking ahead, you can keep the photos a surprise until your wedding day and present your new bride or groom with a photobook of the occasion. You could also consider using one of the photos on your Save the Date card. 

Early On 

Many people wait until the end of a good meal or when the evening is almost over to propose. However, it’s far better to do it earlier in the evening. Proposing earlier means you won’t be worrying about it all night, potentially ruining what would otherwise be a fun, romantic date. Plus, once you’ve proposed and they have (hopefully) said yes, you can have an entire night of enjoyment as a newly engaged couple. It will make the event a whole lot sweeter, and that ring can be shown off for an entire extra evening, which is a lot of fun. Also, you could consider having your closest family and friends join you in celebrating together after you have proposed. 

Don’t Write A Speech

Many people are happy just asking the usual, ‘Will you marry me?’ question, but if you want to say something more, don’t write a pre-prepared speech. This can make you sound awkward, and if you’re reading from a piece of paper, you’ll lose a certain connection with your new fiancé. Instead, speak from the heart. You can have an idea of what you might want to say, but if you are more spontaneous, it will be a lot more romantic, and that goes a long way.


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